Provider-centric staffing for purpose-driven healthcare™
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June 16, 2023

Critical Care Locum Tenens

Locum tenens is an important option for critical care professionals. Critical care locum tenens roles provide flexibility, a choice of location, career advancement, financial stability, and a better work-life balance. For those seeking more independence and control over their career, locum tenens is a particularly attractive option.

What Is Locum Tenens?

Locum tenens is a type of medical staffing that provides medical professionals to fill temporary positions in hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare settings. This type of staffing provides relief for healthcare facilities faced with a shortage of qualified staff or other staffing needs. The term locum tenens is Latin for "to provide place."

In many cases, a locum tenens provider will take the place of a physician on leave or temporarily away for any number of reasons. A locum tenens provider might also be used to provide coverage for a practice during emergencies, vacations, or other times when a practice's current provider cannot be onsite. Locum tenens providers also support the healthcare workforce when burnout or other factors have created a temporary void or when a practice or organization cannot hire full-time staff.

Locum tenens can offer a cost-effective solution for budget-conscious employers. By engaging a locum tenens provider rather than hiring and training a full-time employee, employers can fill temporary vacancies and adjust salaries according to the locum's experience.

Can Critical Care Professionals Be Locum Tenens?

Yes, critical care professionals can be locum tenens. In fact, locum tenens roles can be particularly valuable in the ICU and trauma units. When hospitals need critical care professionals, they often aren't able to wait on a drawn-out hiring process because patients in intensive care need help right away.

During times of emergency or short-term staff shortages, locum tenens providers can take on locums critical care medicine physician assignments to help meet the needs of a healthcare facility in emergencies. By filling the gap created by the unavailability of qualified staff, locum tenens critical care providers can help ensure that patients receive quality healthcare without disrupting the continuity of care or service.

Locums critical care medicine physicians specialize in emergency medicine, subspecialties, and general medicine. They are skilled in a wide range of procedures, from providing general care to conducting emergency, life-saving treatments. With the required experience and certifications, critical care locums can offer a wide range of services, including but not limited to managing septic, cardiovascular, and respiratory patients; leading trauma, burn, and critical care teams; providing procedural sedations and intubations.

Benefits of Locum Tenens for Critical Care Professionals

Being a critical care professional can bring a lot of gratification and rewards, but it can also be a stressful and challenging job. By exploring a locums critical care medicine opportunity, professionals can take advantage of this arrangement's vast benefits.

  • Flexibility - One of the main advantages of switching to locum tenens is increased flexibility. Critical care professionals can choose the type of assignment they want, when they are available, and how many hours they are willing to commit to each job. They even have the power to select their own rate and terms, which is rarely available with a traditional, permanent job.
  • Experience - The availability of locum tenens for critical care allows healthcare providers to gain experience in various settings. This experience can be especially valuable for newer professionals hoping to specialize in critical care. It allows for a broader understanding of the complexities of health care provision in different roles.
  • Career Growth - Additionally, locum tenens for critical care provides the ability for health care providers to serve a broader scope of patients in multiple locations. This often leads to increased career growth when professionals are exposed to new processes, equipment, and approaches. It can make them that much more marketable in their line of work.
  • Autonomy - Because locum tenens roles allow providers to choose their working hours and shift, they have much greater control and freedom than a traditional critical care job offers. ICU and trauma professionals are already under intense stress from their job, and the last thing they should be dealing with is burnout. Controlling how often and when they work can help vital critical care providers avoid unnecessary stress or overwork.
  • Compensation - Locum tenens also offers more flexibility to healthcare providers since they are not tied to a single hospital or medical practice. This allows providers to receive the most competitive compensation while providing high-quality care. These positions can offer significantly more money than their traditional counterparts. A critical care provider can switch to locum tenens and significantly increase their pay while keeping their workload the same.
  • Lower Hospital Costs - Additionally, locum tenens for critical care can help reduce medical care costs since it requires fewer resources and personnel. This is especially advantageous in emergencies, where a trained specialist can be brought in quickly and without investing too many resources.


Caliber offers access to essential resources and a wealth of experience to those looking for short-term assignments. Through our team of recruiters and support staff, we aim to provide critical care professionals with the best opportunities possible, enabling them to work in places that match their skills and provide a better work-life balance. Whether it's a one-time assignment or a series of contracts, team is here to make your locum tenens experience exceptional.


Do locum tenens physicians make more money?

Locum tenens positions usually pay significantly more than their traditional counterparts. On average, locum healthcare workers make over $30 an hour more than they would as regular employees. However, specialists like critical care providers, APRNs, and surgeons make even more since they are usually in higher demand.

What is the largest locum tenens company?

Caliber is one of the country's largest locum tenens. We specialize in providing qualified healthcare professionals with opportunities that are a great fit.

How competitive is critical care?

Critical care fellowships can be extremely competitive. That is one of the reasons critical care providers are so highly sought after for locum tenens roles.

Is intensivist the same as critical care?

An intensivist is also known as a critical care provider. They work in ICUs, NICUs, trauma wards, and other crucial departments. Their careers are dedicated to caring for the most injured, sick, or otherwise vulnerable patients.

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